ADHD Medication & Treatment

Decision 4: What challenges and side effects should I anticipate from ADHD medications, and how should I address them?

Treating a patient with ADHD is a complex and nuanced process. This 7-part guide highlights key considerations and decisions clinicians face along the way.

STIMULANT + NON-STIMULANT: How can combination therapy improve symptoms with fewer side effects?

A: The term refers to using a stimulant and a non-stimulant to reduce ADHD symptoms. There were no lectures in medical school on this therapy and no studies of it when… | Keep reading on ADDitude »

SLEEP: Stimulant use is associated with an elevated risk for sleep problems. How can clinicians address this side effect?

A: Clinicians should titrate while evaluating a patient’s environmental and familial conditions, screen for primary sleep disorders, and… | Keep reading on ADDitude »

MED CHANGES: When should a patient switch to a different medication and/or dosage?

A: If a stimulant is causing excessive irritability, restlessness, or seriousness throughout the day, a dose reduction… | Keep reading on MDedge »

ADHERENCE IN CHILDREN: How can clinicians improve medication adherence in children with ADHD?

A: ADHD medication initiation and adherence are increased when patients have a strong working alliance with their clinician and trust the health care system… | Keep reading on ADDitude »

ADHERENCE IN ADULTS: How can clinicians improve medication adherence in adults and adolescents with ADHD?

A: As clinicians, we must acknowledge how difficult it is take medications every day. And we must be proactive in asking our patients, “How many times did you skip a dose, and what impact did that have… | Keep reading on ADDitude »


How to Optimize ADHD Medication: Strategies for Achieving Better Symptom Management

Expert Webinar with William Dodson, M.D., LF-APA | Listen now on ADDitude »

Why Adults with ADHD Abandon Medication — and How to Improve Treatment Outcomes

Expert Webinar with William Dodson, M.D., LF-APA | Listen now on ADDitude »

How to Optimize Stimulant Treatment for Children and Adults: Better Symptom Management Without Side Effects

Expert Webinar with Thomas E. Brown, Ph.D. | Listen now on ADDitude »

7-Week Guide to Treating ADHD, from Medscape x MDedge x ADDitude:

DECISION 1: What should I consider to develop a comprehensive ADHD treatment plan?
DECISION 2: What medications and other approaches should I turn to as first-line treatments for ADHD?
DECISION 3: How can I decide which ADHD medication to prescribe first?
> DECISION 4: What challenges and side effects should I anticipate from ADHD medications, and how should I address them?
DECISION 5: How can I improve treatment outcomes for patients with ADHD and comorbid diagnoses?
DECISION 6: What dietary, behavioral, or other complementary interventions should I recommend to patients with ADHD?
DECISION 7: How should I follow up with patients with ADHD, and what should we discuss during these checkups?