Guest Blogs

How I Overcame My Pinterest Addiction

I’m addicted to Pinterest. If you’ve not explored the awesomeness that is Pinterest, I’ll assume you’ve been living under a rock. If you’re as active on Pinterest as I am, you’re probably spending more time on the site than you do with your family and friends. If you find yourself glued to the glow of […]

Teenage girl texting on her mobile phone
Teenage girl texting on her mobile phone

I’m addicted to Pinterest.

If you’ve not explored the awesomeness that is Pinterest, I’ll assume you’ve been living under a rock. If you’re as active on Pinterest as I am, you’re probably spending more time on the site than you do with your family and friends. If you find yourself glued to the glow of your laptop while ‘pinning’ your favorite products or craft ideas, I’m here to give you a solution that helped me manage my time on the site.

As I was ‘pinning’ the other day on my Pinterest site, I realized that I had wasted a freakishly long amount of time. If you’re an adult who has been diagnosed with ADHD, you know how difficult it can be to maintain focus. The funny thing about Pinterest (and I’d venture to say everyone can agree) is that it makes one of our ‘superpowers’ (hyperfocus) that much more pronounced. If you’re someone that hasn’t been diagnosed with ADHD, then use Pinterest… consider it your brief glimpse into the hyperfocused, ADHD mind.

I thought about closing my Pinterest account, but that’s simply not an option. As someone who takes a great interest in all things social media, it’s imperative that I’m active on the leading sites in order to keep up with the constantly changing social media landscape. I thought about setting an alarm clock to allow myself a certain amount of time on the site, but that could get annoying for those around me.

After much thought about how I could best manage this ‘addiction,’ I considered a handy dandy little app that I reviewed on called the MotivAider. The app is known as the ‘lean, mean habit changing machine,’ and it definitely delivered when trying to manage my usage of Pinterest. I’m happy to say that the MotivAider helped me conquer wasted time on the site. MotivAider FTW!

Are you using Pinterest? If so, have you incorporated any techniques to manage your time on the site? Have you found any great boards with ADHD resources? Let me know!

NOTE: Please note that all names, models, prices, links, and specifications were accurate and items were in stock at the time of this article’s last update on July 5, 2022.

Managing Adult ADHD: Next Steps

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