Symptom Tests for Adults
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ADHD Test: Do I Have ADD? Symptoms in Adults

Do I have ADD? Take this ADHD test to assess whether attention deficit hyperactivity disorder explains your symptoms of emotional dysregulation, disorganization, hypersensitivity, lack of productivity, poor memory, and struggles with money and with work. Share the results with a mental health care professional for evaluation.

56 Comments: ADHD Test: Do I Have ADD? Symptoms in Adults

  1. I believe there is no difference between ADD & ADHD.

    Group A: visually hyperactive
    Group B: internally hyperactive

    Just discovered my ADHD at 66. That handled a handfull of mental illnesses. The last thing I do in this lifetime is search myself until I have a new way of viewing the same information about Anything.

  2. I now test at 85% but tested at 100% in my 50’s when
    not properly medicated. I was diagnosed with
    ADHD at age 6 followed by bipolar and then both
    10 years ago. So I have compensated some for
    those questions I no longer test positive for.

    It is a long road but adhd folks are very bright and
    creative. Don’t ever stop learning and never
    give up

  3. By the way it took me almost 20 minutes to even set up an account for this site! Anyone have advice I’m 29 and this all started when I was 25. What meds will fix this

  4. Well I got 100% lol go figure I’m really glad to know its adhd cause I’m si CV k of asshole people calling me ditzy or dumb blonde cause I would sometimes space out when being talked to or forgetful even have issues with talking over ppl or answer questions for them before they answer, ppl tend to get pissy about that too. Plus I can’t sit still always twitching and I have zero patience but so m.h e ppl I swear take forever to do anything especially in lines but this is how I’ve been living =-/

  5. First time I’ve posted a comment on anything!! I scored 84%. Two of our three children have ADHD and go to a specialized school for it. I have brought up the fact that I think I have ADHD to many professionals, including in the psychiatric field, and after questioning me about my education (Masters level at University of Chicago – graduated with honors), they dismiss it. Finally a therapist recognized that I am practically the poster child (adult) for the disorder, I was sent to a specialist who said he knew within 10 minutes that I have it. I am 52. So, I’d just like to be on this and discuss the disorder with other adults who have been diagnosed as an adult. Also, the disorder seems to be getting worse, and I don’t know if that is because of the medication I am on or because of menopause, which I have heard can cause an increase in symptoms. I’d love anyone’s thoughts. That is if you’ve read this far. Haha.

    1. I have adult ADHD pretty bad lol I would advise adderall the instant release not extended release. It really helps I would not know how to do anything without its help and my opinion adult adhd is worse cause not many people understand it and judge you and can be ignorant so maybe talk to your doc I’m 29 been using it for about 6 years now, no complaints just drink alot of water throughout the day lol. I wish they knew more about adhd when I was younger, I had awesome grades my mom just thought I was too high strong n needed more discipline. People just don’t get it but the doc can help

  6. I got a 90%. The sad thing is I’ll never know what it feels like to be “normal”.too bad so sad

    1. Don’t let people brain wash you..what is normal? There is no normal besides people who lost there mind from to much drugs ..I feel the people who think they are normal are fucking wackos..everyone is weird in there own way..but to me we as in the community with adhd are more normal then anyone else..

    2. Why won’t you ever know? When I took the right medication, I could literally feel my brain changing, and becoming more clearly focused. I wrote it all down as it was happening, as I knew I wouldn’t remember the extremity of it as I got used to the medication. See a professional.

  7. I’m 15, I havnt been diagnosed with ADHD but for a couple months I’ve had a feeling that I do have it and need to visit a doctor about it. I continuously avoid any homework task that I am given I miss all deadlines and tell myself that I will complete it but I just never do and when I start it I just loose interest instantly or don’t have the “energy” to do it when I’m not tired at all or I just find it all “boring”. I’m constantly restless in all my lessons and feel like walking out to mess about or to just be able to do something instead of sitting down not being able to concentrate on a thing the teacher says. The teacher can be talking to me and not a word will be listened to I don’t do this intentionally my mind is just always wondering off. I find myself not letting people get a word in when I’m speaking aswell I will speak excessive amounts in a conversation without even taking a breath without realising at the time. Even at home I will be told to do something and a minute later I will completely go off track and not remember what I was supposed to be doing at all. When out with my friends I have found myself complaining that I’m bored or that I want to go to a different place after 5 minutes and just wanting to go off on my own when they aren’t willing to do something that is more “fun” to me haha. Any1 got any opinions I’m not sure if I’m just believing I had ADHD or that I may actually have it but I have done numerous different online test that tell me I do ?

    1. The only way to know is to see a professional who specializes in ADHD. Although, I find that we ADHDers are very intuitive, having to juggle 10 thoughts at once, but make one decision, and often it’s the right one. We naturally develop a strong intuitive sense. So, go with your gut and see a professional. I asked so many times in my life, and finally someone listened to me, the best therapist I’ve ever had. He sent me to a psychiatrist who specializes in adult ADHD and said he was 100% sure I had ADHD. I’m still working on finding the right medication, but knowing why you behave the way you do is incredibly helpful in itself. Good luck.

  8. Hi all, this question is aim at someone who already has been diagnosed with ADHD/ADD.
    i am 22 old male, student of the university, employed in 2 jobs both part time, doing weightlifting and taking box classes… as a child i went to psychologist due to my attention problems and hyperactivity and bad grades…, (i was 11), i had and have problems keeping up even when i tried to do my best all the time, but as my father was not OK with me going to psychologist ( he said that i am just badly raised up, i think he was raising me good…) i quit and never been there again. i had and still have bit problems and have low social skills, problem completing tasks, doing hundred thinks at once, i can t even sit while eating, always shaking my leg while siting. even my ex-girlfriend said that i am always like nervous and not listening to her and can t relax for a moment always moving etc. in high school i often went to walk to the hall without any reason also was told that i never paid attention during classes teachers also said that many times (friends noticed that).few month ago i found psychologist report that were made when i was a child. in summary it says that i am “endangered in development” due to health problems (i had meningitis) also it says that i have behavioral problems and low attention, next report (official statement from my teacher) says that it is hard to keep my attention i behave wrong during breaks, also Very “ACTIVE” sometimes childish, and i most of the time forget my homeworks… grades getting worse and lot more of other bla.. bla.. stuff. i think of myself that i am very diligent i never hated school also, when i am trying to concentrate i am just not able to do that even when i am trying to motive myself as much as i can, constantly thinking about everything, getting distracted by everything…
    my question is: is it probable that i have adhd ? what is your opinion ? t

    1. Yes I believe so and bad grades is not a factor I was straight A student but ohh just read the text book k couldn’t pay attention to the teacher for the life of me plus the noises n distractions. I have all your symptoms and then some my doc prescribed adderall, its the best worked wonders for me, good luck I hope you can get the help you need adhd doesn’t mean that others are better then us it just means God made only a select few of his favorites =D

  9. I used to be “normal”. That is until I suffered a concussion/TBI that resulted from falling down a flight of stairs and knocking me out for an unknown amount of time (greater than 2min, less than 10). I have noticed a great difference in my mindset, ability to “stay on target”, have sudden “rushes” of energy when supposed to be working on usually monotonous activities and tent to try to make regular and “normal” activities that are plenty exciting for others even MORE exciting so that I can enjoy them. I have to give my wife my paycheck now because otherwise I’ll piss it away, I can’t sit motionless more than 5min, and can’t sit and focus on necessary but mundane topics like bills and making a shopping list and must constantly leave & return to them (IF I can remember to return). This all began after my head injury. Can ADD begin after a head injury (TBI, concussion, etc.)? I scored 90% on this test to no surprise, but worry that it may be something more serious if ADD can/does not appear after an injury in adults with no previous symptoms. Please respond if you have any similar stories/symptoms or can answer with confidence and assurance. My only Doc is at VA and I am trying to narrow down all possibilities before going there. As expected, 9/10 docs in my VA are quacks and I must do most of the work for them if I want it done correctly. Any advice or attached sources/links to further my learning would be GREATLY appreciated, THANK YOU!!

  10. I feel very similar. I have never been overly hyper or fidgety but my brain goes off into left field and dances through the flowers regularly. I remember when I was little my teacher would write a note home that said I was not mentally in class today. Not that it did anybody any good. By the way, according to the and a few other science journals I’ve looked in ADHD is the new official term that also refers to ADD. ” ADHD used to be called Attention-Deficit Disorder or ADD”. I only got a 71% and ya many of the questions that I didn’t score with where the hyperactivity ones. No, I don’t interrupt people, I’m too scared to talk half the time. I overthink things to such a crazy level that I just keep it all to myself most of the time. I hate attention of any kind.

  11. I have struggled all my life. It wasn’t until my first time in college taking an intro to study of disease class that it hit me. When every symptom fit like a glove. I’m now reading “Right-Brained Children in a Left-Brained world” and I could cry because so many of the stories are my stories. I also have 2 of my 3 children who I think fit this as well but it’s hard for me to see anything ‘wrong’ because their normal is my normal. I’ve been scared to be tested for years, I’m not sure what good it would do me now. Depending on my stress level I have enough coping tools to lead a fairly productive life. But when things crash they crash hard. I don’t know what I should do. I just want to be a good mother and provider. (My spouse doesn’t believe in ADHD, so that adds to the drama.)

    1. Ive never been prescribed anything for it all my mom helped me develope coping skills when I was just a I never looked at it as a problem..since I was a drug user over the last 15 years and since being drug addict over the last 7 years on opiates I ended up avoiding dealing with it so I lost my coping now trying to get off of opiates all the symptoms of adhd come on strong right away as soon as I start going threw withdrawls which lead to relapse everytime..I slowly been remembering how to cope with it now but it’s been very fucking hard to deal with it as soon as I wake up in the morning I have instant anxiety..I used to be used to overthinking all the time and any thought I would have i wouldn’t dwell on it cause it’s just a thought in my eyes cause I’m always thinking 24/7 until I fall asleep..I’m thinking one thing while at the same time thinking of another while having a conversation with someone while watching a movie and listening to music all at the same time and knowing what’s going on with all of them at the same time..until I started doing opiates everyday I lost how to deal with it and it’s so overwhelming cause I used to know how to deal with it and not get so over whelmed that it turns to anxiety then turns into a panic attack..slowly but surely I’m learning again to deal with it but it’s so hard to not get overwhelmed with all the symptoms of adhd and no one understands or believes you or tries to say oo ya I have that to when they really dnot and have no idea what it’s like to have adhd..cause anyone that does can get along with or point out another person who has adhd..and I mean that really does have it cause they few basic symptoms that just about every person has they tend to think they have adhd..but they really don’t have it cause if they did they would have energy for days along with not having energy with days and only a real person with adhd will understand that statement..avoiding it for so long on opiates makes me so sad now cause I finally realize how bad I really do have it and how well I’ve learned to cope with it and learn to live with it cause it’s not a problem or a makes us who we really are and makes us a better and more unique individual..honestly I love having adhd once you learn to cope with it and learn to live with it..I feel we are better people then people that don’t have it..we don’t need pills or a doctor telling us we need them just to live life..we just need to learn how to live with it..we are smarter individual’s then people that don’t have it..we can multi task like a mother fucker and people may think we aren’t paying attention but we are paying attention to everything that’s going on around us..number one question I ask peoplet and you’ll know if someone has adhd from this question is “what do you see when you first walk into any room?” And see what they see..most people have a one track mind and people with adhd don’t like most people say they see the light and people with adhd see everything every little detail and you can learn a lot about how someone thinks off that one question..thank you for reading this..let me know what you think have a good day and or night..

    2. Only in the last few months have I started to recognize I very well may suffer from ADHD. I am just beginning this journey and reading stories like yours is so comforting. For so long i hated myself because i was stupid, or lazy or one of the other words i used to shame myself. I hope I can find a way to finish my degree after 16 years of trying. Thank you for your point of view.

  12. I took the test twice. First result was 87%. The second result was 90%. I returned to school this fall with an online program. I’m in my second course and am finding it very difficult to do research for my essay. I am also a becoming more aware that when I read. I get to a point don’t know what I just read because I drifted off thinking about something else. So I end up rereading what I just read. I want to get help but I don’t want to take drugs. Help!

    1. I also struggle with having to reread things multiple times because I randomly will start thinking of something else. It is so frustrating.

      One thing that helps me is using essential oils like peppermint and Vetiver. They are both great for focus.

      Getting enough sleep is crutial for me.

      Also, practicing yoga, mindfulness and meditation will carry over into your life.

      I am currently also on medication but for a different & possibly incorrect diagnosis. Medicine is trial & error a lot of time and side effects can be intense. I don’t blame you for not wanting to go down that road.

    2. Jerod, I’m right there, just went back to school myself. It’s near impossible to answer the simplest questions if anyone is at home. I have a planner that dictates what I do every half hour. I plan out my weeks worth of studies, give myself lots of breaks and make sure to go out for a walk or get some sort of exercise. I often play light classical music in the background because dead silence means my head is anything but. I grew up in a place and time where girls ‘didn’t get learning disabilities’ so I ended up learning a bunch of positive coping mechanisms along the way. This is what works for me, you just have to find what works for you. Make sure to have someone to talk to. You can totally do this. You’ve got it!

  13. Unfortunately, we as a society are not given the benefit of the doubt when it comes to topics such as ADHD. I somewhat agree and understand the reasoning behind it. However, who really suffers at the end…the patient who needs the medication but is given the ring around when wants to be prescribed ADHD medicine. After doing research on this topic with the help of my girlfriend, I have mustered up enough courage to finally set an appointment with a doctor in San Francisco. I have taken multiple exams online and in each exam I was honest in each answer; it does indicate that I have ADHD. I am truly hoping that the doctor I have made an appointment with see’s it the same way, does not send me on different tests and multiple appointments (all of which requires multiple copays, time off work, and other aspects of my life) just to end up being prescribed something I do not need.

    I am 35 years old, not a junkie, AND JUST WANT A BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE. (also been in the community college system for over 15 years without getting a degree, been told I have no discipline by my ex wife, and have extreme difficulty finish various tasks in all aspects of my life)

  14. my husband refuses to take the ADHD test and self diagnosed as asperger . he smokes cannabis and refuses to talk about any of these issues. i am scared

    1. I wouldn’t be worried about the cannabis because it can help both if he does really have ADHD or if he has Aspergers because it calms your mind if you have ADHD and calms the anxiety often associated with Aspergers but if you really want to get him to take a test ask him the questions or related questions if it’s too obvious randomly throughout the day and write his answers and complete the test. It’s kind of manipulative but if you are seriously worried than this may be a good option, anyways best of luck!

  15. Can’t find my score, but I can do the math myself. I’m 64. Diagnosed about 8 years ago – 2 years after being diagnosed with Bipolar type II. Great revelations – made sense of my past – but wish I had known back then. Now that I’m retired I’m getting some help and learning things. Utilizing mindfulness has been very helpful. I always felt I was smarter – or at least more perceptive – than average (ego or not, I still believe it). I dropped out of High School, then went back and did 3 years in 2. Then dropped out of college mid-junior year. Never completed, but had a good enough career anyway… in spite of innumerable failures to begin or complete… others jumping in at the last minute to save a project. Once I finally knew what was going on, things began to improve… a little too late for some aspects. Get help. Get therapy. Get coaching! Take medicine.

  16. hello..whats my name again?.. Actually it doesn’t matter. I have been in denial for a long time thinking that I could possibly have AADD but maybe I do, although I have not had a professional diagnosis..ran out of time..will come back..

  17. You really have to learn not to sweat the small stuff that it only took me to my 70s to learn plus some SNRI that .Ups my seratomim and norepinephrine. Mindfulness is a wonderful tool And has helped me slow down and smell the roses as well. We cant be all things as much as we try ,,,,us people pleasers. The things we have in common with all those greats from the past and present is Low frustration tolerance… think edison einstein and steve jobs and dare i put him in there Don Trump…..yes he does share a lot of characteristics with us…. And the thing they shared was failing to complete their education in the traditional way. Wonder how far behind they were in handing in their papers.

  18. I scored 90% and I just was diagnosed with ADHD a year ago at the age 35. My ego is in the floor I cannot seem to be able to finish anything or accomplish anything, it is hard for me to find balance, I feel like an idiot and adderall alleviates the symptoms.

    My therapist told me that I have a really high intellect, that I am in the vein of Leonardo Da vinci, this sounds awesome but how come I cannot accomplish anything that I set myself to do, who cares about synaptic pruning or the fact that a gram Zettabyte of information in physical DNA information is the equivalent to a 165 pounds of an actual computer architecture or how to achieve a good shape of the mayor and minor trochanter in the femur for a sculpture of the human body or how the sense of smell has more of an impact in the female than in the male due to a larger Limbic system and what would be the best cologne to use when I cannot remember to take the damn trash out or focus in printing my job’s daily reports or cook without burning the unburnable or at least have some peace of mind, I will love to be able to tell my brain to shut up for a minute. I am exhausted man and I all of this thought mean nothing if I am financially struggling or having a hard time getting my assignments on time at school (by the way this is the fifth school that I have been through).ADHD if one heck of a cross to bear.

    By the way I am 90% in the test, what is the meaning of that.

    1. Same here. My doc told me, like, “you need to be glad you’re a genius”. A genius, huh. Can I be a happy idiot instead, please… Drugs make my life easier, but I can’t make ends meet. Lately I started to consider the suicide because it’s more like euthanasia for me. And I’m just 84%. Hard to imagine how people with more effects exist in such conditions…

      1. Please don’t have those thoughts! Seek help if you already haven’t. There is solace and it can get better!

  19. I always score 100% on these and doctors who meet me for the first time think I’m bipolar rather than a.d.h.d! They drive me nuts because they try pushing the wrong meds on me! Now I’ve got my doctor who I’ve seen for about 10 years suggesttomg I try coming off my adderall for a little while to see how I do! Pfftt!

  20. I don’t want to sign up for their newsletter or more emails from ADDitude Magazine. I already get plenty from them. Just give me the damn results!

    1. Hello Anne: Please note that you can click ‘unsubscribe’ at the bottom of any ADDitude email to stop receiving our mailings.

      1. You don’t have to sign up dewd, you can get your results without an email address. But if you’ve got ADHD u probs should tbh, it’s domdorting and nice to know other ppl are in the same boat

  21. I had 94% and am a raging Adhder. I am also lefthanded and had to become ambidextrous when i Broke my left arm around my 3rd birthday. Scored brilliantly on IQ tests as did my lefthanded sister who was forced at school to write right handed. There is speculation that lefthanders and ambidextrous persons have increased corpus collossum area for transmitting all those messages to different parts of the brain. Although i only completed grade 9 and parts of grade 10 and 11 successful mensa tests and worked very successfully as an Actuarial and Benefit consultant and Entrepreneur. Once answered a complex pension negotiation cost question while driving back to our office. No Didnt pull over…. did calc in my head then tested it using another method. Answer was prohibitively expensive saving the company a 7 figure embarassment. Later actuary from another firm did the calculation and for a mere $25,000 came up with a similar answer to mine. Actuary charged 100 hours, mine was 20 minutes of highway driving.
    As other ADHDers with this phenonoma include Albert Einstein.Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Paul McArtney, Leonardo Da Vinci and MichealAngelo i wonder if any research longtitudinal studies have been done particularly about ambidexterity and right handers.

    1. I got the same score and I was diagnosed ADHD. ADHD has many faces-I think ppl tend to assume if one symptom isn’t applicable to them then they mustn’t be ADHD but that’s not true. Best to see a psychiatrist. I finally accepted my diagnosis and am taking meds and tho I’m still trying to find the “right one”, it’s definitely still a positive change.

  22. I recognize myself in nearly 100 percent of these articles especially sensory processing and emotional sensitivity as well as time anxiety has been and continues to be a painful aspect of life with ADHD. Have been diagnosed with ADHD for close to 20 years and take the maximum dose of generic adderall. Would love some suggestions that could help these issues. I didn’t realize until reading this that what was wrong with me had anything to do with my lack of focus..

    1. I was diagnosed ADHD years ago but didn’t believe it so I put off seeking treatment til recently. I am not hyper, I’m hoghly organized and can stay on task well (unless it’s boring to me) so I thought “no way” to the diagnosis but understand it better now and recognize the need for treatment. Adderall did nothing for me-I currently take Vyvanse, up to 60mg now, and even that’s not quite enough. My doc offers genetic testing to see how your liver metabolizes different ADHD meds so I can get a list of what would work best for me based on my liver function. You should look into that-might be a better med option for you.

  23. Can it be possible for ADD to appear after childhood? I seem to notice during my teen years until now (I’m 18), that something is really wrong with me.

    -I am so reckless and I don’t feel any pang of guilt everytime I do something that I feel doing. I thought this was just the attitude of risk-takers if I am not mistaken.
    -I don’t know how to cope up with people’s feeling; of why my words hurt them, what should I say for them to feel that I am a normal person.
    -I always buy unnecessary things impulsively.
    -I try to read my academic books back and forth but still the information wont sink into my mind.
    -I tend to make excuses to avoid meetings or group planning.
    -I schedule when I should procrastinate (I know it’s awful)

    I got 87% as a result. Can somebody help me? I don’t wanna tell anyone yet they might think I am crazy and lame for making up an excuse just to avoid effort. 🙁

  24. Chef_K

    Treat today as day one. Find a pencil and a journal. Write the date in it, write down how you feel. Write down how you would like to feel. Try really hard to avoid using the word ‘DON’T’.

    Accept there will be good day and bad days, but that with systems, hacks and support you will do better, be more productive and find greater contentment.

    To recap. Go get that pencil and a book to write in.


    Pencil. paper.


    1. Hi. I started a journal 2 years ago. Unfortunately, that’s also extremely difficult for me personally. Actually it is on my bedside table in plain view! Sigh, pen to paper my thoughts seems overwhelming. I must find a doctor .. One whom will LISTEN. Thanks, I never ever post in forums.

  25. I scored a 97%. I’m not entirely sure if this is because I’m primed to think I have ADD or if it’s because it’s actually true. Regardless, as someone who is 17 and has a parent that refuses to have them diagnosed professionally, is there anything I can do?

    1. Thats hard. My personal oppinion would be to go to a doctor or other trusted professional once you hit 18, as then you can ask them for confidentiality. But if you absolutley cant wait and you see your grades failing, or are struggling to keep yourself on task while doing homework etc., then you need to find solutions that can hold you over until you are able to go find someone that can help you professionally.

      Keep in mind i am not certified to treat or diagnose adhd and the only real certification i can cite is the fact that i have been diagnosed by a professional and am currently on medication for it. Now medication is a big help, but it is by no means the only thing that can help you cope with adhd. Some things i have found, especially related to studying etc is working out or exercising right before i study/do homework. This always helps because i feel less energetic and jittery after im done and can usually concentrate on what im doing. Also in regards to the medication, it is a stimulant (i take adderall, but most if not all adhd medications are going to be some form of stimulant). That being said, stimulants come in all different forms. Take coffee for example. It is a stimulant, and while i dont drink it that often, when i was out of medication and had no substitute, coffee at least seemed to help a little bit.

      Coffee, though may not work for you specifically, as there are different forms of adhd that effect different parts of the brain. Working out though is usually a pretty good thing to do and is good for all forms of adhd.

      Alot of it will be testing solutions for yourself. Hell even the medication could not work, so finding the right things that help you stay focused/motivated/whatever is an imperative. Search around on forums and other website and try to incorporate different suggestions into your life to see if they work.

      Sorry for the wall of text, i know its kind of counter active on a web site for adhd LOL. Good luck though. If you have any questions, just ask and i will try my best to answer, or at least point you in the direction of a resource that can.

  26. 84% not surprised. It’s amazing how I can even get through a day. Must keep my sense of humor.

  27. Can maintaining to keep the house tidy and clean be a struggle for people with ADD? And also i can go to shoping and go to every day places, but i struggle to go to complicated places by my self. Eventhough i have been to those places with someone i easiliy get lost when i go by my self and i e s up asking for directions to get there, has this got to do anything with ADD?

    1. I would like to think so as I was wondering this myself. I tend to do the same things exactly as this is saying. As a mother of two young children I can see signs of ADHD in them however never even thought or have crossed my mind that I could have been the one that gave it to them. My husband is the same way. The reason that brought me here is actually very interesting. I was brought her because I searched, ” Why do I get irritated after sex, and as I was reading an article about couples having the same problems, the same answer came through ADHD, and as I am trying to take this test, I immediately couldn’t finish it as it requires to much words and reading that is also another clue to me that my mind just doesn’t have the patience to sit still enough to take a test if I do and may have ADHD which of course I know how its very likely and true that I do since I have infinite hours just procrastinating doing anything else but clean. I just always thought people grow out of it and never though I had it, so this has opened up a reality for me I never knew. :/ Now to break the news of this to my husband too. He gets the same way after intercourse, and although it seems funny it definitely puts a damper in relationships. How can you both enjoy and be angry at something so primal and satisfying…..stupid ADHD.

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