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"That Explains Everything!" Discovering My ADHD in Adulthood

"Many women with undiagnosed ADHD may cruise along until, as in my case, things start to fall apart. The unraveling often coincides with marriage and having kids. Suddenly, you have to organize not just yourself, but the kids, too. These added responsibilities can push a mom’s 'ADHD stress-o-meter' over the top." Read one woman's story of recognizing ADHD symptoms in adulthood and getting effective treatment — at last!

3 Comments: "That Explains Everything!" Discovering My ADHD in Adulthood

  1. I was diagnosed at the age of 9 in 1986 when ADHD was considered a behavioral issue not a physiological one. So I spent my life dealing with the lack of focus and constant movement, I was able to direct that into becoming a drummer. But it took until my daughters diagnosis at the age of 20 for me to realize alllll the other things that come with ADHD. It explains my relationships my quirks and my depression. Now I really wish I knew in my 29’s what I now know at 47.

  2. Spinning around in the middle of a room… I do this so often. Every time I get up from my desk to do one thing I remember three other things on my way to wherever I was going and return to my desk without any of the items. So I have to get up again to find my cellphone and my bottle of water. I always admire moms who organise their own lives and that of their kids with all of their after-school activities. My brain seizes as soon as I have more than two things to do. Some days I have to stop, close my eyes and really focus to remember what it is that I have to do. On bad days my brain is like a helium balloon that I’m chasing after, hopping to try and get a hold on the string so I can just anchor it to something. I am stressed all the time, I forget things all the time, and I am snapping at everyone most of the time (including my 12 yo who also suffers from inattentive ADD). I cannot make the simplest decision, I get light-headed in a shopping mall (I have no idea why this is), I forget words and the names of things to the extent that at some point I was terrified that I was actually suffering from Alzheimer’s or the like. I know what I have and I am in the process of trying to find the drug that works best for me, I just need to verbalize it somewhere where it doesn’t sound like I am just complaining or being ungrateful or not coping. It’s like there’s always a uncoordinated marching band in my head, bashing and trumpeting and clanging and stomping and booming, but no-one else can hear it. It’s just the feeling of noise and the sense that I cannot think or hear or see properly. And when I am preoccupied (which is almost always), I just cannot for the life of me focus for long enough to complete anything. It has most definitely gotten worse since kids and getting older, and I really am most tired of always feeling like I am spinning out of control.

  3. Yes, I get it. My ADHD comes from my dad’s side, and I tried to swallow any impulsiveness, anger, etc. because just seeing it frightened me. I tried to convince myself, “I am not like THAT chaotic side of the family! I can sit still, I am a good student, I don’t take drugs…!” Now that I know I see how trying to run from it and myself harmed me, led to eating disorders and other problems. For decades that could have run so much better. No regrets, the present matters, but my life has changed so much within the 2 weeks of the diagnosis. And I have only scratched the surface. I am very grateful that my problems have a name now and that there are coping aides available.

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