
I Love My Partner Because…

Inspiring, funny, and romantic: Real-life partners in ADHD relationships share what they love about their significant other.

Loving couple kisses over lights
Loving couple kisses over lights

Typically, in my ADDitude column, I try to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings between ADHDers and their non-ADHD friends and spouses. But there is another side to ADHD relationships that we haven’t addressed much in this space — what partners love about each other. In my couples seminars, I hear significant others send verbal Valentines to each other a lot. The words are inspiring, funny, romantic, and heartwarming. They highlight the special qualities that each partner brings to the relationship. Here are some of my favorites:

I Love My ADHD Partner Because…

He is always the funniest guy in the room, and he makes my romantic dreams come true.

He has an amazing ability to explain scientific concepts and discuss “outside the box” theories and ideas.

My spouse is the best date for weddings…one of the few men who dances his heart out, sings aloud, and spins me around. We have fun together. I feel so lucky.

No matter how wacky our life gets, she never gives up.

He can always laugh about what is going on in our lives.

[Get This Free Download: Manage ADHD’s Impact on Your Relationship]

With him, I never suffer from boredom.

My wife sees the world in a different way. She makes me smell the roses, opens up my eyes to things I wouldn’t see, and instills a sense of caring for those around me.

He is adventurous, carefree, creative, and fearless. It stretches me. I’ve had so many cool experiences I would never have had without him.

She tells me at least once a week that I’m cute. Most of the times when she tells me this, I’m nasty with sweat or just got out of bed and have “bed head.”

My husband is very affectionate. Little touches, pats on the back, or hugs are always available if I ask for them.

[Read: “What I Love About My Wife with ADHD”]

She is caring and kind to others. She is loyal to me, has a good sense of humor, and loves music. Plus, she’s pretty hot-looking.

I Love My Non-ADHD Partner Because…

She treats everyone who comes into our home like family, even if it’s the first time she’s met them.

He is committed, loving, kind, and has jumped in from day one to help with the kids. He changes diapers, picks up the dolls, and wears princess crowns when asked.

She brings fresh eyes to seeing the physical beauty around us…and is completely confident in who she is.

He tries to be affectionate with me and reminds me he loves me, even when I am feeling over-stimulated. If I can’t be touched right then, he tries not to take it personally and shows me he loves me anyway.

I want to thank my wife for never giving up on us. Despite my inattention, her desire to be with me, and to share a life with me, never ends.

She is my rock, and is always looking to do the right thing, even if that puts a great burden on her.

She’s brave enough to follow her own convictions, and never shrinks from a challenge. I love her hot little body.

She can make me feel like the most loved and admired man on earth!

[Read This Next: An Open Letter to My Husband Without ADHD]

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