Comments on: When ADHD (Literally) Runs in the Family ADHD symptom tests, ADD medication & treatment, behavior & discipline, school & learning essentials, organization and more information for families and individuals living with attention deficit and comorbid conditions Wed, 03 Jun 2020 15:03:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: alleycat909 Sat, 10 Aug 2019 03:42:54 +0000 In reply to nessy.

This article had a lot of great points. I agree with you that burning an effigy is not appropriate behavior. But – it is also a real story from a real human with real, multi-faceted struggles. I like that the story was real.

By: nessy Sun, 29 Jul 2018 12:41:14 +0000 Melanie Salman, a mother of two and a part-time event planner in the San Francisco Bay Area, is still sad about what happened at her New Year’s Eve celebration. Her friends had voted to make a little effigy of a political figure they all disliked, to burn at midnight. Just as they were getting ready to burn it, her nine-year-old son, who has been diagnosed with ADHD, approached Salman and said, “Hey, mom, if I was gonna make a doll to burn, it would be you!”

– I’m sorry, but once I got to this portion of the article, it began to be ALL I could think about. How is this acceptable or appropriate behavior? More importantly- this woman is shocked by her son’s response? Where exactly did he learn that from? Who did he get the idea to make an effigy and burn it from- mom and mom’s friends. I don’t care who it is of or how much you dislike him//her- this is a childish way to cope with disagreeing with someone you don’t like. Stuff like this is why the world has grown calloused and is raising a generation who feels they’re entitled to saying and doing whatever they want; why most people seem to have no respect for anyone else- whether property, person or human rights.

I know I might be accused of missing the point of the story, but I believe Salman missed the point of why her son would think it’s an acceptable way to handle his emotions- because he saw YOU do it first.

By: beckasue2 Mon, 19 Mar 2018 15:09:21 +0000 Oy! I managed to raise my kids – although my father once confessed that he and Mom were pleasantly surprised they were turning out well. I’d always been such a Scatterbrained that they had worried. Now, I recently moved in with my youngest daughter and her 3 children. I’m not sure if her 6 year old daughter and I will survive each other! She’s into high drama, constant activity and ceaseless talking. I don’t control my emotions nearly well enough and then we’re both dramatic! I’m trying hard, but at 66 I really struggle with being patient. Just thinking about the years ahead exhaust me. I have been diagnosed; she has not.
