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When ADHD (Literally) Runs in the Family

"Mothering a child with ADHD is not for the faint of heart — and it becomes more daunting when you, too, are struggling to stay on track... Research has shown that ADHD is more heritable than most other mental conditions, only slightly less so than height, leading to all sorts of lively family dynamics."

3 Comments: When ADHD (Literally) Runs in the Family

  1. Melanie Salman, a mother of two and a part-time event planner in the San Francisco Bay Area, is still sad about what happened at her New Year’s Eve celebration. Her friends had voted to make a little effigy of a political figure they all disliked, to burn at midnight. Just as they were getting ready to burn it, her nine-year-old son, who has been diagnosed with ADHD, approached Salman and said, “Hey, mom, if I was gonna make a doll to burn, it would be you!”

    – I’m sorry, but once I got to this portion of the article, it began to be ALL I could think about. How is this acceptable or appropriate behavior? More importantly- this woman is shocked by her son’s response? Where exactly did he learn that from? Who did he get the idea to make an effigy and burn it from- mom and mom’s friends. I don’t care who it is of or how much you dislike him//her- this is a childish way to cope with disagreeing with someone you don’t like. Stuff like this is why the world has grown calloused and is raising a generation who feels they’re entitled to saying and doing whatever they want; why most people seem to have no respect for anyone else- whether property, person or human rights.

    I know I might be accused of missing the point of the story, but I believe Salman missed the point of why her son would think it’s an acceptable way to handle his emotions- because he saw YOU do it first.

    1. This article had a lot of great points. I agree with you that burning an effigy is not appropriate behavior. But – it is also a real story from a real human with real, multi-faceted struggles. I like that the story was real.

  2. Oy! I managed to raise my kids – although my father once confessed that he and Mom were pleasantly surprised they were turning out well. I’d always been such a Scatterbrained that they had worried. Now, I recently moved in with my youngest daughter and her 3 children. I’m not sure if her 6 year old daughter and I will survive each other! She’s into high drama, constant activity and ceaseless talking. I don’t control my emotions nearly well enough and then we’re both dramatic! I’m trying hard, but at 66 I really struggle with being patient. Just thinking about the years ahead exhaust me. I have been diagnosed; she has not.

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