Symptom Tests

[Self-Test] Is Your Clutter and Disorganization Out of Control?

Hoarding is a serious condition linked to ADHD, anxiety, and obsessive compulsive behavior that affects approximately 2 to 5 percent of the population. Take this self-test to understand hoarding symptoms in adults and where you fall on the messiness to hoarding spectrum.

Hoarding Symptoms Test for Adults

Most of us are somewhat messy, but hoarding is a serious condition linked to anxiety and obsessive compulsive behavior that affects approximately 2 to 5 percent of the population. Take this self-test to understand where you fall on the messiness to hoarding spectrum.

This self-test is designed to determine whether you demonstrate symptoms similar to those of hoarder. This test is not intended to diagnose or to replace the care of a health care professional. If you are concerned about your messiness, please seek professional assistance for a diagnosis and treatment.

When there’s a bad smell in your home, do you to look for the cause?

When you have to declutter, do you agonize over each thing you need to throw away?

When someone comes over and touches something in your home, do you get suspicious or worried?

When you were a child, did you get overly attached to certain objects?

When you see an amazing sale on something, do you buy it immediately?

When you get something new, do you find a permanent place for it?

When you think about the prospect of friends or family seeing your mess, are you ashamed?

Is the furniture in your house covered in clutter?

(Optional) Would you like to receive your hoarding symptom test results — plus more helpful resources — via email from ADDitude?

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Hoarding: Next Steps

1. Take this Test: Executive Function Deficit Symptoms in Adults
2. Read: When Your Mess is Causing Stress
3. Read: Stop the Slide From Clutter into Hoarding
4. Take this Test: Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms in Adults
5. Research: 13 Clutter Hacks for the Easily Overwhelmed
6. Download: 22 Clutter-Busting Strategies for Adults with ADHD
7. Find: Specialists or Clinics Near You